Islamic Perspective on Resurrection. Every living creature has to die someday. This is the law of the nature created by Allah. The religion of Islam answers all the questions related to death and life after death, the concept of resurrection and rising up on the day of judgment is also clear through Quran and Hadith.
Death is a Destiny
In Islam, death is the common destiny willed by Allah (swt) for all of his living beings. The life on earth is not immortal or eternal; The immortal life will start in the hereafter. The personal encounter with an angel of death will result in the detachment of soul with the body. But on the day of judgment, God has promised the all the dead people wil again rise from their graves and their bodies will be resurrected. The angels of grave will also put you through a series of questions known as Munkar and Nakir.
Muslim Creed
The Muslim creed is based on the faith in Allah and his angels, life after death and the final destination either heaven or hell according to the deeds of a person.

The fifth point in Muslim creed is to believe in life after death; to believe in the Day of Resurrection. The mankind will again live and pass thorough the judgment of Allah. Quran has describe the word Qiyamah for 68 times.
“O mankind! if you have a doubt about the Resurrection(consider) that We created you out of dust then out of sperm then out of a leech-like clot then out of a morsel of flesh partly formed and partly unformed in order that We may manifest (Our Power) to you; And We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term then do We bring you out as babes then(foster you) that you may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die and some are sent back to the feeblest old age so that they know nothing after having known(much). And (further) you see the earth barren and lifeless but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred(to life) it swells and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth(in pairs).”
(Quran, 22.:5)
Man completes various stages of his physical growth and then completes the cycle of his life. Biologists and medical scientists have studied the anatomy of living beings and and accepted death as a reality. The temporary pleasures of this temporary life often make man forget that the life hereafter, but Quran repeatedly reminds people that the hour of death and reckoning is but very close to man. People can die in a multiple ways from natural disasters, floods, earth quakes, volcanoes, etc.
The Wisest Course For Mankind
The wisest thing mankind can do is to save themselves from the sins as much as they can and do not ignore the sins that look small. The death comes without notice, so the nature of generosity and kindness should always be the lifestyle.
The great prophets and the pious men of the past and women used to follow the path of truth that guided them out of darkness into the light. Their personalities are ideal example for the next generations to save them against the temptation of sins.
Islamic Perspective on Resurrection. If anyone believes that there is no life after death, then they are denying the verses of Quran and they have become non-believers. The universe is created with some natural laws and resurrection will make people appear before God on the day of Qiyamah.
“We created you from earth and return you to earth and then bring you forth once more.”
(Quran, 20:55)
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On March 18, 2017 at 6:20 am
haha !!!!!! yes