The Difference between Makkan and Madinian Societies. Yathrib had been chosen by Allah to shelter the Messenger of God (sallallahu […]

The Difference between Makkan and Madinian Societies. Yathrib had been chosen by Allah to shelter the Messenger of God (sallallahu […]
Need for a New Prophet? The old world was completely disarranged by the middle of the sixth century and man […]
Hazrat Umar (R.A) embraces Islam. Islam was then further strengthened by the conversion of ‘Umar (radhiallahu ‘anhu) to the truth […]
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It is the strong belief of Muslims that Allah is the only one God of the universe and all his […]
Mother is one female whom Islam gave immense importance. Islam has put the Jannah under the feet of a mother. […]
An amazing video vet beautifully described that how the Quran defends the Sunnah and ask us to obey and follow […]
What is Jihad in Islam? The Muslims are given a religious duty to spread the word of God and Islam. […]