Finding peace and tranquillity in life is a major human dream and desire. The earliest philosophers spoke about finding inner […]

Finding peace and tranquillity in life is a major human dream and desire. The earliest philosophers spoke about finding inner […]
The mosque. A community hub. A safe space – for all sections of the community, regardless of age, gender, race […]
Is there anything in the world that could busy Prophet Muhammad and cause him to delay his prayers? Prayers which […]
The result of the modern lifestyle in our children is that children are not learning to be resilient and they […]
Social Media isn’t just a place to troll, slide into someone’s DM’s and share cat videos (Seriously, please stop.) It’s […]
Men and women are equal in one aspect as both are human beings. In another sense, equality between men and […]
Our religion is composed of three parts in which we have Islam, Iman, and Ihsan. We will discuss three of […]
What we repeatedly do in our daily life routine is known as habits. Our daily lives are usually a set […]
Islam is a complete code of life, each and every aspect of religion Islam is designed by our Creator to […] Share This!