The Sahabi who passed away at last has been referred to as Last Sahabi.
In Madina who died last was – Hazrat Sahal Ibne Sa’ad (RA)He passed away in 96 Hijri at the age of 100 years.
In Basra who passed away last was – Hazrat Anas Ibne Malek (RA)He passed away in 93 Hijri at the age of 103 years.
However, the Sahabi who was really the last to pass away (according to the Scholars) is:
Hazrat Abu Tofayel Amer Ibne Wasela (RA).
He used to say (Meaning:): “Today no one is here in this world who sawHarzat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaiyhiwa Sallam with his eyes.”He passed away in Makkah in 110 Hijr. (Istiyab: Tazkira Hazrat Abu Tofayel)