In most countries of the world, there is confusion about the economic rights of woman in Islam. Women have to go out in the public and take part in the building of economy. They are doing the jobs and getting higher education, the modern world gives many opportunities to women to participate in the economy and promote harmony and justice. Let us see what Quran says about economic rights of women:
verse 4:34
Men shall take full care of women with the bounties which God has bestowed more abundantly on the former (men), than the latter (women) and with what they may spend out of their possessions. (4:34)
No human being shall be burdened with more than he is well able to bear: neither shall a mother be made to suffer because of her child, nor, because of his child, he who has begotten it. And the same duty rests upon the [father’s] heir. (2:233)
The females are supposed to be taken care by men, who are their husbands and fathers. Islam does not prevent women from growth and development but it also does not allow them to mingle with men without limitations. There limitations are in the best interest of society and people living in society. If a woman does have neither a father nor a husband, the responsibility of her care falls on her brother. In case there is no relative of a woman, then the responsibility falls upon the shoulders of society to protect the rights of orphan woman. Men are superior to females, God has bestowed upon men definitely more in terms of physical attributes and inheritance. But has given all the rights to wives for building harmonious relationships with their husbands.
Women are given the responsibility to feed and give birth to the child. This is due to the nature of love in them but the child is responsibility of father and mother both.
![Rights of woman in Islam](
Men shall have a benefit from what they earn, and women shall have a benefit from what they earn. (4:32)
According to Hadith, there is no gender based division of labor between a married couple. There are narrow horizons for economic participation for Muslim women in the world however as compared to men, due to political extreme conditions and unstable economies, women are forced to work alongside men. Afghanistan is an example of such countries. Women should also take active part in the growth of their economy. Women are not merely created to provide comfort and pleasure to men, they have proven in the history that they can do nation building by equipping themselves with knowledge.
About rights of woman in Islam. The woman has a basic right to vote and to peruse their education. They can learn Islamic knowledge as well as progress in the worldly subjects like medical, finance, engineering and aeronautics according to the conditions provided by Islam. In the western countries and USA, women are also working side by side to men to contribute to the GDP of the nations. Quran has given practical rights to women to support their men and families and play their part in the society.