Jesus (PBUH) or Isa was the son of Maryam or Mary who was the prophet or messenger of Allah accoridng to the teachings of Islam. He was known as Jesus Christ and he was sent down to earth to guide his people in Israel. Jesus was the rare prophet who was never married or had no children in his lifetime. He is also mentioned in holy Quran in 93 places as a son of Mary and is also mentioned as the spirit of God.
In a Hadith, Jesus was mentioned as a pure boy and he performed many miracles in his lifetime. According to Quran, some of his miracles included speaking as an infant, healing various ailments like blindness, raising the dead to life, making birds out of clay and breathing life into them. Muslim tradition believes Jesus will return to earth near the Day of Judgment to restore justice and to defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal (“the false messiah”, also known as the Antichrist).
Quran first describes the birth of his mother, Mary, and her service in the Jerusalem temple, while under the care of the prophet and priest Zechariah, who was to be the father of John the Baptist.[citation needed] The narrative has been recounted with variations and additions by Islamic historians over the centuries. he virgin birth of Jesus is announced to Mary by the angel Gabriel while Mary is being raised in the Temple after having been pledged to God by her mother.

A hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, one of the earliest companions of Muhammad, quotes Muhammad:
“Hardly a single descendant of Adam is born without Satan touching him at the moment of his birth. A baby who is touched like that gives a cry. The only exceptions are Mary and her son” [cf. Q 3: 36].[22]
He stayed with his family in Egypt for 12 years and was involved in several miracles there. According to Islamic traditions, the teachings of Jesus were a prophetic model for human beings. He was chosen by the God to teach people to worship God instead of idols. According to Quran, he also demonstrated the power of God and it is believed the second coming of Jesus on this earth will happen in the future someday before the end of this world. He will be sent down to earth to fight the Antichrist. The Quran also refers to the Gospel of Jesus, who was s a spiritual teacher.
The Islamic concept of Jesus’ preaching is believed to have originated in Kufa, Iraq, where the earliest writers of Muslim tradition and scholarship was formulated, whom the Kufan, are labeled after.
Most Islamic traditions say that Jesus did not die a natural death, Qur’anic commentators seem to have concluded the denial of the crucifixion of Jesus (PBUH). In reference to the Quranic quote “We have surely killed Jesus the Christ, son of Mary, the apostle of God”. Modern Islamic scholars like Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i interpret the ascension of Jesus as spiritual, not physical. Modern Islamic scholars like Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i interpret the ascension of Jesus as spiritual, not physical
Source: Wikipedia